Ways to Organize Your Storage Unit Using Supplies You Probably Own

Categories: Self Storage Ideas, Tips and Tricks

With the advent of Pinterest comes a plethora of organizational tips to address every area of your life. However, one section often overlooked is the storage unit. While many people rent a storage unit to free their home from clutter and reintroduce organization to their lives, the actual storage unit can be left as a dump to collect unneeded items. We have compiled a list of six items that you probably already have in your home to help you make the most of your storage unit.
Storage Unit

  1. Clothing Racks

Clothing racks are a great way to hang items, especially nicer clothing items in bags. Ditch the boxes and opt for a versatile clothing rack that can hang clothes while storing shoes and other boxes on the bottom.clothing rack

  1. Crates

Have crates laying around that you just do not know what to do with?  Try stacking them so that they act as cubby holes. Not only is it an easy use for those pesky crates, but it helps keep everything organized.


  1. Locker Shelves

Locker shelves are great because almost everyone has used them in grade school at one point or another. Simply add a locker shelf to any shelving unit and you have a perfectly divided area.


  1. Storage Racks

Storage racks are the most popular option in storage units, as most people utilize them for storage in their garage. Add crates or storage bins to your storage racks to keep your belongings tidy and put away.

storage rack

  1. Labels

Labels are becoming more common in households with the desire to organize. Adding labels allows one to find items with ease. Next time you use a storage facility try using labels and see the difference it makes in finding your items!


6. Plastic Bins

Traditional cardboard boxes attract insects and can easily be damaged by water. Plastic bins are a cinch to use for stacking boxes and for keeping items safe from water damage and insects.

plastic tub



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